Transformational Change

Personal Impact & Feedback

Brendon Nash | Transformational Meta Coaching | Testimonial

Brendon Nash

Commercial Director

New Zealand

Transformational, practical and inspired… Working with Wayne was an incredible journey of self-discovery. His technical coaching proficiency is beyond reproach, but what sets him apart is his authentic, intuitive style, honed from years of his own executive leadership experience. Not shy to ask the tough, yet insightful questions, he ensured I confronted my inner truths to transform my learning and leadership capability in ways textbooks and courses could not. Always of absolute integrity, always practical, Wayne both mentored and coached me, instilling a calm confidence and inspiring ability to forge deeper connections on both work and personal fronts.

My conversations with Wayne helped me tremendously through a difficult decision-making process. Through powerful visualisation exercises and effective questioning, the outcomes I really desired would become much clearer and defined against the previously overwhelming uncertainty and overthinking.
Wayne is an intuitive listener, and was able to repeat and connect what I was saying to real feelings and intuitions that I was not aware of. You can be confident in trusting Wayne with your own personal journey as he has immense respect for privacy, and genuinely celebrates the success of others.

Teigh Cunningham | Testimonial | Transformational Meta Coaching

Teigh Cunningham

Associate - Cost Management

Abhinav Kothakota | Transformational Meta Coaching | Testimonial

Abhinav Kothakota

Head of Key Accounts MEA


The coaching process was life-changing. The way Wayne developed trust and comfort was phenomenal. Every session, I was given the opportunity to talk about a specific goal or an outcome in mind. This transformational meta-coaching structure made me think hard to address deep unresolved topics. Goals like being true to myself, achieving ambitions, being confident and remaining in a state of resourcefulness were reinforced through visualisation tools. Follow-up and reminders to practice these tools daily were also big aspects of the process.

I look forward to developing more by utilising these meta-coaching techniques. I thoroughly enjoy working with Wayne and his experience and knowledge about virtually every self-improvement topic, reflects his passion for the subject.

HBDI® has been incredibly insightful for me, revealing why I respond the way I do and highlighting the diversity in how people think. This understanding has transformed my approach to communication, making it more constructive and sensitive. The mobile app is a great tool for quick reference, enhancing my interactions with others. It’s been a real eye-opener in understanding myself and improving my relationships.
Carmen Kruger | Testimonial | Transformational Meta Coaching

Carmen Kruger

Canine Behaviourist

Dubravka Jovanovic | Testimonial | Transformational Meta Coaching

Dubravka Jovanovic

Administration Manager


I discovered new layers of self-love, self-respect, and self-worth. I finally gained the confidence I was seeking for most of my life and I continue to use and practice the tools learnt which help me when I have a disagreement with someone, when I am too emotional, or when I feel distracted. The HBDI® model is phenomenal and insanely accurate. Once you get the results it feels like your new life starts from that day. It shows you how your brain works when challenged, in front of an obstacle, bored or stuck for whatever reason. I actually now call some of my character traits super powers. These test results also helped me focus on my other skills and work on my less preferred characteristics from a bigger and wiser perspective. 


Wayne is a keen listener, a motivator, and a thought partner who has added immense value to my professional and personal life.  His exploratory questioning ultimately helps you find the answers related to the decisions/choices/changes that you need to make.  This resulted in a deep self-awareness to uncover what is important to me, what I need to hold on to, and what changes are required to continue my growth while being true to myself.  It is having confidence in the true value of my worth and capabilities when making required changes while not accepting the choices and decisions of others, that are not in my best interests.

Susan Watts| Transformational Meta Coaching | Testimonial

Susan Watts

Supply Chain & Quality Director

South Africa
Carmen Kruger | Testimonial | Transformational Meta Coaching

Carmen Kruger

Canine Behaviourist


I struggled since childhood with completely unfounded fears of the unknown. The ‘what ifs’ became my default mode, leading me down a spiralling thought pattern of catastrophizing. In retrospect these debilitating thoughts, carried into adulthood, deprived me of so many joyous moments in Life. As part of the professional Transformational Meta Coaching process, Wayne equipped me with some remarkably effective visualization tools which I now almost subsconsciously apply on a daily basis.

My outlook on Life and the future has improved exponentially. I have become more assertive and confident in my own self worth. Subsequently, Life started to externally reciprocate my newly found internal strength and I now thrive in fields of opportunity I would previously never even consider.

In 2008, Wayne coached and motivated me, resulting in my personal growth and rapid promotion to top management positions over the following 3 years. I believe that without his coaching, I would not be where I am today. I am sincerely grateful that our paths crossed and for everything Wayne taught me, as his coaching and mentorship have shaped me into the successful man and leader I am today.

Leon Mbendani | Transformational Meta Coaching | Testimonial

Leon Mbendani

General Manager

South Africa
Teigh Cunningham | Testimonial | Transformational Meta Coaching

Teigh Cunningham

Associate - Cost Management


Through learning about Whole brain® Thinking, it becomes easier to understand both your own thinking and others (what is important to them, how they think about outcomes etc.). My communication became a lot more effective in my work and relationships, simply by understanding different ways of thinking and how others prefer to react under pressure.

HBDI® is the most interesting self-awareness tools I have come by. We often question our feelings or reactions and ‘ask Google’ or seek answers using self-help literature. While those are true, it applies to a particular person’s (generally the author) feeling or coping mechanism which doesn’t fit all. We are all unique!  Through my coaching journey, I went through the HBDI assessment, and the findings were surreal. I have gained a deeper understanding of my thinking preferences, and my opportunities. 

My life partner went through the assessment as well, and by comparing our profiles we have understood our thinking preferences under normal and stressful conditions, which has helped us resolve tough situations thereafter. Although the tool provides an in-depth explanation of your results, Coach Wayne explained them really well using his own life examples. The personal touch is most  necessary adding relevance to the results. I would strongly recommend this assessment for anyone who is on the journey of being true to themselves – and since you’re reading this, I am sure you would benefit. 

Abhinav Kothakota | Transformational Meta Coaching | Testimonial

Abhinav Kothakota

Head of Key Accounts MEA

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